The pricing policies of guarantee companies may seem clear and simple to understand at first glance.
It would initially seem that annual premiums range from 4% to 5% of the amount of the rental guarantee, according to the guarantee companies. So you can already narrow things down!
A first round allows us to see that the annual premium rates range from 4% to 5% of the amount of the guaranteed rent guarantee according to the surety companies. What already make a first choice!
After further analysis, we find that the annual premium rate should not be the sole criterion for deciding whether to join one of these institutions. Expenses – false fees and hidden fees must also be considered. In the end, it is you who will pay the bill and these costs are not insignificant.
The various practices used in calculating the “guarantee” premium for guarantee companies:
In the first year, the guarantee companies offer either lump sum or pro rata temporis premiums, taking into account the end date of the guarantee contract.
Certain companies – aiming of attract as many customers as possible – offer exceptionally low premiums do not charge tenants to join their institutions.
The general conditions of insurance (CGI) of the various guarantee companies are highly ingenious.
Below you will find explanations for the lower expenses and fees which are/will be charged to you:
We can only say that a simple assessment, based on a premium rate or an advertisement, is not sufficient to form an objective opinion on the total cost of the rental guarantee insurance premium.
We advise you to be cautious before taking the leap.
Your Guarantee !
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